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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Creative Face Makeup Styling @ CWS

Hiya friends!!  Today we had an interesting theme for styling..  Our theme was "Creative Face Makeup!"

I chose to extend the theme to my whole body and I had a body artist paint my whole body like a Jackson Pollock painting hahaha!  There were some very creative entries today too..

The wonderful Vicky Yongbo announced us today, while DebbieDoo Tigerfish used her skill and knowledge to judge us.  Let's take a look at the entrants shall we..

First out was none other than meee lol..

<-- Sara (me) in incredible body paint!

Ace (Ascensions Resident)  -->

<-- Babette Upshaw

Wulla Zabelin -->

<-- Princess Violetta

And now for the top 3..  Hold on to your paints!!

3rd: Babette Upshaw (right)
2nd: Princess Violetta (left)
1st: Sara !! (centre)

Woohooo I can't believe I got first place :)  luckily being so cold and walking the runway in only paint has paid off!!  We all looked awesum though!!!

Unfortunately I can't be in the Fashion Show tomorrow, it's at a earlier time than usual which means the rehearsal starts at like 4am Sunday morning for me!  Hopefully I'll be back in fashion shows soon....


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