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Monday 23 April 2012

Song of the Week - Dedicated to Danni (Dannylynn Rajal)

Well it's Monday again and here I am to deliver my song of the week post as promised.  However this time it's a dedication to my Aunty Danni (hehe, personal joke we have), Ms Dannylynn Rajal..

Here is a picture of her as we sat at a fashion event a couple weeks ago..

(Danni on the right, me on the left)

I've only spent time with Danni in some classes at UCWS and some funny moments outside of that when we were searching for Gaga hair.  I don't pretend to know her as well as some people do, but I can tell you this..  Danni is an absolute sweetheart and very easy to talk to, she's always been very kind and thoughtful and I hope she gets well very soon.

So now with the news that she is not well right now, here is my song of the week, for Aunty Danni..
Biggest hugs Danni!!  Get better soon, I'll be waiting to watch you graduate! :) xxxxxx

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